@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', 'Dashboard') @section('content') {{-- Success message fed via JS for TR --}}
@if($dueInterestRequest) @endif @if($atcInactiveMessage) @endif @if($completedTrainingMessage) @endif @if($workmailRenewal) @endif @if($activeVote) @endif @if($cronJobError) @endif @if($oudatedVersionWarning) @endif
Current Rating
{{ $data['rating'] }} ({{ $data['rating_short'] }})
Your associated division
{{ $data['division'] }}/{{ $data['subdivision'] }}
ATC Hours (Last {{ Setting::get("atcActivityQualificationPeriod") }} months)
{{ $atcHours ? round($atcHours).' hours of '.Setting::get("atcActivityRequirement").' required' : 'N/A' }}
My last training
{{ $data['report'] != null ? $data['report']->report_date->toEuropeanDate() : "-" }}
My Students
@if (sizeof($studentTrainings) == 0)

You have no students.

@foreach($studentTrainings as $training) @endforeach
Student Level Area State Last Training
{{ $training->user->name }} @foreach($training->ratings as $rating) @if ($loop->last) {{ $rating->name }} @else {{ $rating->name . " + " }} @endif @endforeach {{ $training->area->name }} status]["color"] }}"> {{ $statuses[$training->status]["text"] }}{{ isset($training->paused_at) ? ' (PAUSED)' : '' }} @if($training->reports->count() > 0) @php $reportDate = Carbon\Carbon::make($training->reports->sortBy('report_date')->last()->report_date); $trainingIntervalExceeded = $reportDate->diffInDays() >= Setting::get('trainingInterval'); @endphp @if($reportDate->isToday()) Today @elseif($reportDate->isYesterday()) Yesterday @elseif($reportDate->diffInDays() <= 7) {{ $reportDate->diffForHumans(['parts' => 1]) }} @else {{ $reportDate->diffForHumans(['parts' => 2]) }} @endif @else No registered training yet @endif
My Trainings
@if ($trainings->count() == 0)

You have no registered trainings.

@foreach($trainings as $training) @endforeach
Level Area Period State
@foreach($training->ratings as $rating) @if ($loop->last) {{ $rating->name }} @else {{ $rating->name . " + " }} @endif @endforeach {{ $training->area->name }} @if ($training->started_at == null && $training->closed_at == null) Training not started @elseif ($training->closed_at == null) {{ $training->started_at->toEuropeanDate() }} - @elseif ($training->started_at != null) {{ $training->started_at->toEuropeanDate() }} - {{ $training->closed_at->toEuropeanDate() }} @else N/A @endif status]["color"] }}"> {{ $statuses[$training->status]["text"] }}{{ isset($training->paused_at) ? ' (PAUSED)' : '' }}
Request Training

Are you interested in becoming an Air Traffic Controller? Wish to receive training for a higher rating? Request training below and you will be notified when a space is available.

@can('apply', \App\Models\Training::class) @else
@if(\Auth::user()->hasActiveTrainings(true) && Setting::get('trainingEnabled')) @else @endif {{ Gate::inspect('apply', \App\Models\Training::class)->message() }}
@if(Setting::get('trainingEnabled')) @endif @endcan